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Friday 3 June 2011

Long time no speak!

WOW! It's been, like, 5 months or something since I last posted on here! :o
A lot's happened really, like, it was my birthday yesterday! Woo. And many other things, which I don't much care to list, because it'll take forever.
But I think I'm going to start posting more on here again!
Hmmm. Going to a gig a week on monday, I'm rather excited about that! Only problem is, I'm going on my own, so that could seem a little lame! D:
I'll just have to find someone else who's on their own and hang out with them.
I also ordered an ocarina about a week ago or so! So that should be coming soon, which I'm very excited about! I'm going to take it everywhere with me, and then if I ever get bored, I'll just get it out and start playing.
Then on 23rd I'm going to see the blanks at Moho live. For those unaware, Moho live is a venue, and the blanks are Teds band off scrubs! I'm so desperate to meet sam lloyd, I'm going to do everything in my power to talk to him. If I do, I'll let everyone know on this site!

What else is going on in my life... Oh yeah, I'm addicted to this site called: ... Basically, it's like an online version of that snog marry avoid program on tv. Or, in other words, it's a giant ego trip for attractive people. Which isn't really me, but it's still fun. Well it's not, it's just addictive as hell. If you're interested in mine, its
Musics been a bit varied for me in the past few months. I've gone from listening to piano music, to swing/jazz, to punk, to acoustic, to metal, back to acoustic, to classic rock, to michael buble, and now I'm on metal again. Very odd. I have spotify premium now though, so I feel like I should be making the most of it!
And I've begun making lots of summer plans, some will happen, some might not, but so far the list stands at this:
1. Go see John Butler trio
2. Holiday in cornwall with the lads
3. Go to Ireland for a weekend with Josh
4. Go to Cheshire to meet somebody
5. Go to Dartford to see a friend
6. Go to yorkshire to meet someone
7. Go skiing in France (Depends how cheshire goes)
8. Go to southport for a day with the old SHC crowd
9. Birthday outings for people
10. Win the lottery. (I know this will never happen, but I ALWAYS plan on winning the lottery.)

So yeah, summers shaping up to be a damn good one this year. Expensive as hell though. If all this stuff happens, I'm going to need about a grand. However, I don't think some of it will happen, so that'll cut the estimate down. And if I win the lottery, then it wont matter!

How exciting. But for today methinks, that shall do. Until next time y'all!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Next post I guess.

Right, so, "I'll write again soon" now mean "I'll write again in about a month". See, if it weren't for me, you'd never know that...

So, what have I done in the past month?
Well, I went to the Attack!Attack! gig 2 weeks or so ago. That was pretty good! Though we didn't actually stay for the main act, but for one of the support bands, hopes die last ^^
After the gig we went to the hard rock cafe in manchester. That place is pretty much awesome.
Then last wednesday I went to see angels and airwaves. Which was freaking epic! I mean, I don't think I've ever been to a gig where the band played a 90 minute set. And I also don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life...
Then on friday I went out with some good friends, had a couple of drinks and a laugh, then got into a horrible mood and turned into the worlds biggest jackass. I even wrote some nonsense on my facebook. And I mean like a page long, really aggressive rant about some random stuff that wasn't even remotely true. And now my friends all hate me, and I'm not going to get invited out by them again...

So whats coming up in my life? Well hopefully I should be getting a bit of money soon, so I'd like to go and see the band Lifehouse if I can. But if not, I'll have to live with it.
This saturday I'm going out for my friends 19th. But I don't think I'm going to drink. Because I don't like the person I become when I'm drunk.
And I have a script to write over the next week or two. But that shouldn't be too hard, got the plan, just need to write it all up properly now.

But that's about it I think...

Well, if I have anything interesting to blog about at any point soon, I will.
But that's not likely, I'm a boring old so and so.

So, this is A.C. signing off.

Tuesday 4 January 2011


Wow, I've not written on my blog since last year! I hope you all had a good christmas and new year! Mine was certainly eventful.

  • Christmas day was celebrated at my grandmas as always. With a MASSIVE christmas dinner. And I mean, MASSIVE. I had, like, 10 potatoes, a full plate of vegetables, 8 pieces of turkey, 5 pigs in blankets, and some sausage meat stuff. It. Was. Awesome.   And I gots me a new phone! And a weight set/bench! And shit loads of deodorant and underwear... And my AvA tickets ;) So happy with what I got this year it's untrue.
  • Boxing day was at my aunties. Where we all had some drinks and played silly games. It was really fun, but then again, it usually is when we all go up there!
  • New years eve/morning was spent at my friends house party type thing. Where we all, again, had a few to drink and had a merry time. Again, it was awesome.
  • New years day I set up my bench and decided on my new years resolutions: Eat healthily and work out lots to get as ripped as possible ;) And then ate a meal about the same size as I had on christmas day... That was clever, wasn't it?
So yeah, 2011 is looking to be an incredibly tiring year, but it should hopefully be worth it.
Means not a lot of drinking will be allowed though, I'll mostly be on water on nights out :/
Hard times.

Well, I hope everyone else's holiday period was as eventful as mine!
I shall make sure to write again soon, but until next time, this is AC, signing out.

(Yes, I am aware how lame that was. But I don't care!)
((AC is also aquaman, Arthur curry. No I am not aquaman. But I totes wish I was.))

Saturday 11 December 2010


It is coming! Gah, went christmas shopping today. Not for other peoples stuff. For mine. I'll get other peoples stuff on, like, the 23rd or something. The only problem is that I now want them now... I mean, what harm could come from opening them a little bit early????

I also know exactly what I've got for christmas, so what does it matter if I open them early?

We'll see how the next week goes, and if I can restrain myself or not.

ALSO. Da Vinci's Notebook are an awesome band. Like, really really awesome. And hilarious. Mostly.
So check 'em out, they're on spotify, last fm and youtube!
They're pretty old though, so lots of you might know them.

FINALLY, I'd like to apologise for not posting much recently, I'd say I've been busy, but in truth, I've just been boring. I've had nothing going on at all. The most interesting thing that's happened recently was going to town to try and help my friend sell some stuff. But that was fun.

And the guy selling joke books in town isn't funny. I fully bitch slapped him with my own comedic genius. And then told him his stuff was crap. He wasn't fully impressed. But I don't care.
I'll try and post again if something interesting happens before christmas. It probably wont though...

Tuesday 30 November 2010



You're welcome.

We all deserve to die...

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, 
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit, 
And the vermin of the world inhabit it. 
But not for loooong! 

Or in other words, I now am in love with the film Sweeney Todd.
And Johnny Depps singing voice.
And Helena Bonham Carter.

Watch it now.

ALSO! I've finally decided what I want to do with my life (Advice columnist). So if you need any advice about anything, add me on facebook or something and send me a message with what you need advise on. It doesn't have to be anything really serious, but I just want to try and get some experience. So yeah, hit me up!
( is my facebook to get your advice to me :D)

Friday 19 November 2010

Harry Potter 7 part 1

Well, this isn't my proper review, this is just because I saw it today as well. It was good if you dont think of it like the book. Compared to the book though, it's not that good. Changes bits, which is a bit annoying, but  it stays truer to the book than most of the other films...

HOWEVER. I realised at the scene at the Malfoy manor [which is a scene that REALLY annoyed me, I mean there were no freaking albino peacocks ANYWHERE! And other reasons] that I really want a dark mark tattoo. It looks so cool. But I'm not sure if it would be as cool if it couldn't move or be used to summon the dark lord... (Yes, I just called Voldemort cool. Problem?)

So what do people think about that? And don't use the whole "You'll regret it later in life" argument, because... well it's a rubbish argument. And I'd regret something boring like tribal tattoos before I got it.

All answers will be taken into consideration! XD